Research Interests
Practical multimethod research situated in an organizational institutionalism framework drawing from diverse academic fields including anthropology, economics, education, management, leadership, political science, psychology, and sociology. One overarching field: organizational emotions; three broad areas: formative assessment of affective domain learning, student persistence & retention, and transnational education (TNE).
Forthcoming (accepted, in press)
Nix, J. V., Wu, Y. C., Song, L. M., and Levy, J. D. (2025, forthcoming). Analyzing Small Sample Sizes After Disaggregation: An Exploration of Observation Oriented Modeling for Assessing Learning Outcomes. Research and Practice in Assessment. Initial submission July 2023. Revise and resubmit January 2024. Acceptance notice, July 2024. Additional revisions February 2025.
Under Review (submitted)
Song, L. M. and Nix, J. V. Legitimization of Affective Domain Learning: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Learning outcomes Assessment Practice. Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability. Initial submission July 2023.
Song, L. M., Nix, J. V., Brooks Nelson, E., Gibbons, R., Thomas, E., Young, L. The 2023 landscape report: Practitioners’ perceptions on the field of student affairs assessment. Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry, Improvement, and Impact. Initial submission April 2024. Revise and Resubmit October 2024. Additional revision and resubmission December 2024.
Completed (in publication)
Lindbeck, R. L., & Nix, J. V. (Eds.), (2024). Workplace leadership (First edition), 270 pages. Cognella.
- Nix, J. V. (2024). Creating & sharing mission, vision, and values. In R. Lindbeck and V. Nix (Eds.) Workplace leadership, (First edition, pp. 161-174). Cognella
- Nix, J. V. (2024). Creating strategy. In R. Lindbeck and V. Nix (Eds.) Workplace leadership, (First edition, pp. 175-188). Cognella
- Nix, J. V. & Song, L. M. (2024. Political savviness. In R. Lindbeck and V. Nix (Eds.) Workplace leadership, (First edition, pp. 235-244). Cognella
- Nix, J. V. (2024). Conclusion. In R. Lindbeck and V. Nix (Eds.) Workplace leadership, (First edition, pp. 245-246). Cognella
Brooks, E. B., Gibbons, R., Nix, V., Thomas, E., & Young, L. (2024). The landscape report: The state of the field of student affairs assessment. Technical report, Student Affairs Assessment Leaders Research on & Advancing Knowledge Committee
Lindbeck, R. & Nix, V. (Eds.). (2023).Workplace leadership (preliminary edition). Cognella.
- Nix, V. (2023). Creating and sharing vision, mission, and values. In R. Lindbeck & V. Nix (Eds.), Workplace leadership (preliminary edition, pp. 167-182). Cognella.
- Nix, V. (2023). Creating strategy. In R. Lindbeck & V. Nix (Eds.), Workplace leadership (preliminary edition, pp. 183-198). Cognella.
- Nix, V., & Song, M. (2023). Political savviness. In R. Lindbeck & V. Nix (Eds.), Workplace leadership (preliminary edition, pp. 243-252). Cognella.
Carnes, B. H., & Nix, J. V. (2023). A Mixed Methods Exploration of Postsecondary Education Students’ Environmental Awareness and Worldviews. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(8), 149-163,
Deauquier-Sheridan, K., Hinerman, K., Nix, J. V., & Venta, E. R. (2023). Academic and Business Leaders Agree: Six Skills Essential for Effective Management. American Journal of Management, 23(1), pp. 90-98.
Nix, V., Farmer-Hanson, A., & Fleming, S. (2023). Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL) Needs Assessment.
Nix, V., Shelton, K. and Song, M. (2022), “Implementing Affective Learning Outcomes Through a Meaning-centered Curriculum”, in Sengupta, E. and Blessinger, P. (Ed.) ICT and Innovation in Teaching Learning Methods in Higher Education (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 45), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 65-88.
Lee, C. C., & Nix, J. V. (2022). A sequential mixed-methods study of preservice handwriting training and classroom handwriting instruction in Texas. International Journal of Social Policy and Education, 4(6), pp. 1-12.
Nix, J. V., Zhang, M., & Song, L. M. (2022). Co-regulated online learning: Formative assessment as learning. Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment & Learning 3(2), 36297.
Nix, V., Zhang, M., & Song, L. M. (2022). Glass ceilings and mindsets: Diversity, equity, and inclusiveness through an affective-learning lens. In Brown, K. & Papa, R. Recipes to combat the “isms”: Volume one – equity. ICPEL Publications, pp. 115-126.
Song, L. M., Nix, J. V., & Levy, J. B. (2021). Assessing affective learning outcomes through a meaning-centered curriculum. Proceedings of the Association for Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE), June 7-11, 2021 Annual Conference, pp. 15-37.
Nix, J. V., Song, L. M., & Lindbeck, R. (2021). Affective learning outcomes assessment as a path to online dialogic student development. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 21(4), pp. 111-134.
West, C. A., Nix, J. V., & Hinerman, K. (2021). Game Changers: Business and Research Opportunities in K-12 E-Sports. In Andrews, S., & Crawford, C. M. (Eds.), Handbook of research on pathways and opportunities into the business of Esports (pp. 200-221). IGI Global. https://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7300-6.ch010.
Tamim, S., Torres, K., Finch, M., Bartlett, J., Everson, K., Hemmer, L., Leach, L F., Lomotey, K., Nix, J. V., & Tolman, S. (2021). The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate and the dissertation in practice Principles. In Hafenstein, N. (Ed.) Perspectives in gifted education: Influences and impact of the Education Doctorate of gifted education II (Vol. 8). Office of the Daniel L. Ritchie Endowed Chair in Gifted Education, University of Denver, pp. 22-50.
Whidden, D., Brown, K., & Nix, J. V. (2020). Implementing strategic support for sexual minority youth and exploring the effects of social connectedness. School Leadership Review, 15(1) Article 9.
Nix, J. V., & Song, L. M., (2020). Affective assessment: Incorporating emotions into our work for social justice. Proceedings of the Association for Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE), 2020 Annual Conference.
Nix, J. Vincent, Lion, Robert W., Michalak, M., and Christensen, A. (2015). Individualized, purposeful, and persistent: Successful transitions and retention of students at risk. Journal of Student Affairs Research & Practice. 52(1) pp. 104-118.
Nix, J. V., and Shultz, B. (2014). White Paper: Guided Pathways to Success: A Report on the Idaho Continuous Enrollment Initiative Pilot, 2011-2013.
Nix, J. Vincent & Michalak, M. (2012). START! The successful transitions and retention track program: a comprehensive approach to supporting GED holders entering college. Journal of Adult Education, 41(2) pp. 65-67.
Nix, J. Vincent. Sino-U. S. transnational education—”buying” an American higher education program: A participant observation study. Washington State University, 2009, 269 pages; AAT 3416131. (Open publication, available here)
Nix, J. V., Duncan, H. M., & Duncan, C. (2005). Acing the IELTS Speaking Test: Advanced Level, Haina Press.
Duncan, H. M., Nix, J. V., & Duncan, C. (2005). Acing the IELTS Speaking Test: Intermediate Level, Haina Press.
Nix, J. V. (2005). Effective Strategies for the IELTS Academic Writing Module, Haina Press.
Nix, J. V. (1997). Assessing the existence of social distance and factors that affect its magnitude at a southern university. Social Science Paper Publisher, (1)1997. (Archived here).
Underway (not submitted)
Bauman Joseph, M., Song, L. M. & Nix, J. V. Predictors of post-secondary participation in neurodiverse young adults: An exploratory quantitative analysis. Analysis complete; manuscript preparation in progress, anticipated submission Spring/Summer 2025.
Zhang, M., Song, L. M., Nix, J. V., Carnes, B. H. & Lindbeck, R. A systematic review and observation oriented modeling (OOM) examination of high-impact practices for retention of students with at risk-characteristics. Analysis complete; manuscript preparation in progress, anticipated submission Spring/Summer 2025.
Song, L. M., Nix, J. V., Zhang, M., Lindbeck, R., & Christensen, A. Where are they now? A case study of the impact of a transition and retention program on students with at-risk characteristics. Research design complete; data-collection complete; data analysis expected summer/fall 2025. Anticipated submission, Fall 2025/ Spring 2026.
Lai, T. N., Nix, J. V. & Song, L. M. An Exploratory Study of Teachable Soft Skills as Perceived by Elementary Teachers. Analysis complete; manuscript preparation in progress, anticipated submission Summer/Fall 2025.
Song, L. M., Nix, J. V., Lindbeck, R., & Geringer, S. Competencies for academic advising in a changing environment. Analysis underway; anticipated submission Winter 2025/Spring 2026
Anderson, W. G., & Nix, J. V. Common Challenges to Rural School Sustainability: A Phenomenological Study of East Texas Campus Administrators. Analysis complete; manuscript preparation in progress, anticipated submission Spring/Summer 2026.
Pendarvis, L., & Nix, J. V. A Phenomenological Study of Rural Teacher-student Relationships and Student Success. TBA; manuscript preparation in progress, anticipated submission Spring/Summer 2027.
Rodriquez, M. A. & Nix, J. V. Exploring low-cost recruitment tools and their perceived effectiveness for increasing international student enrollment. Manuscript editing underway; expected submission Summer/fall 2027.
Nix, J. V., Farmer-Hanson, A., & Fleming, S. Professional development expectations and needs of student affairs assessment practitioners. Data collection completed Winter 2022. Analysis undersay; expected submission Winter 2027.
Nix, J. V., Zhou, L., Zhang, M., & Song, L. M. Transnational Cohorts: A follow up study on Chinese students that earned degrees from Sino-U. S. transnational education ventures in mainland China. Questionnaire translation in progress. Anticipated data collection, Winter 2025/26.
Nix, J. V., Zhang, M., and Song, L. M. An observation oriented modeling analysis of affective domain learning outcomes attainment. Data analysis underway. Anticipated submission Spring/Fall 2026.
West, C. A. & Nix, J. V. E-sports sustainability challenges in the Texas Panhandle and Plains rural areas. IRB approved; interviews complete. Survey construction for stage II underway. Anticipated submission Winter 2026/7.
Lauka, B. & Nix, J. V. Title to be determined, (affective learning domain) manuscript preparation in progress. Expected submission Winter 2026/7.
Dissertations Chaired (22) to Completion (also served as methodologist on each study)
Griffin, C. L. (2022). Texas university charter school teachers: A case study on teacher place and school legitimization. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Rodriguez, M. A. (2022). Exploring effective and low-cost recruitment tools and their perceived effectiveness for increasing international student enrollment. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX. **Co-chaired with Dr. Clementine Msengi
Thorp, L. (2022). Teacher perceptions of financial incentive programs on retention, recruitment, and student achievement. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Arceneaux Stroman, M. S. (2022). Educators’ perceptions of mental-health issues in a secondary alternative school: A mixed data needs analysis. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Tamayo, A. M. (2022). Returning to normal in education post COVID-19: A transformational mixed-methods ethnomethodological study. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Bauman Joseph, M. (2022). Predictors of post-secondary participation of neurodiverse young adults: A quantitative exploratory a posteriori study. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Paniccia, A. (2022). Alternative teachers’ perceptions of the alternative education field, its practices, and factors that may impact effectiveness: A phenomenological study. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Buan, A. M. (2021). The challenges of recruiting high-quality teachers in the core subject and special education areas: A mixed-data needs analysis. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Andrus, D. A. (2021). Online applied music education: A mixed-data needs analysis of teacher perceptions. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Reeves, K. D. (2021). Predictivity of standards-based report card model for standardized test scores: A taxonomic mixed methods study. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX. **AERA Division H: Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools, Outstanding Dissertation Award winner, 2022. **
Cleveland, S. R. (2021). The influence of school choice on traditional public school leaders: A mixed-methods needs-analysis. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Tolar, M. L. (2021). The relationships between teacher efficacy and differentiated learning for gifted students within inclusion settings: An exploratory study. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Lai, T. (2021). An exploratory study of teachable soft skills as perceived by Elementary Teachers. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Carnes, B. H. (2021). A Mixed methods exploration of influencing factors on postsecondary education students’ environmental awareness and worldviews. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Barnes, W. B. (2020). Perceptions of educators implementing a collaborative teaching framework to support special education students (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
McNeely-Barnes, D. (2020). An exploratory study of the relationship between the collaborative teaching framework and the perceived academic growth of English learners (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Lee, C. (2020). An exploratory study of preservice handwriting training and classroom handwriting instruction in Texas (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Knox, M. (2020). How can design thinking enhance the T-TESS? A phenomenological study (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Gardea, J. (2020). Latino English language learners: Perceived cultural, social, and educational factors that influence academic achievement (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Skinner, A. (2020). Perceptions of secondary school administrators on student attendance interventions (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Anderson, W. G. (2019). Common challenges to rural school sustainability: A phenomenological study of east Texas campus administrators (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Pendarvis, A. E. (2019). A phenomenological study on teacher-student relationships and student success (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Doctoral Committees (27) for Completed Studies *=methodologist (21)
Kronenberger, A. (2024). Implementation and perceived impact of personalized learning in a Texas intermediate school: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Gagliardi, J. (2024). Insights into becoming and being: An investigation into first-generation doctoral degree earners experiences. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Carter, H. (2024). Preserving quality education for rural students: A case study of teacher recruitment efforts in rural public school districts in Texas. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Winningham, A. (2024). Support and send: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of rural counselors and student support for college-going decision making. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Schoolcraft, D. (2024). Relationship of shared governance to teaching & learning at two-year public colleges. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Skidgel, K. (2024). Integrating design thinking in special education leadership: A Delphi study. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Favela, D. (2024). Southwest veterinary university: Student perceptions of their preparation for the NAVLE. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Meek, A. (2024). The influence of the school principal on school culture. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Mumme, E. (2024). Rural school leadership, counselor duties, and mental health programs in rural schools. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Heisel, S. (2024). Perceptions of rural public school administrators regarding crisis response. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Payne, K. (2024). College readiness in the early college high school model. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Hedke, R. C. (2023). Origins of support: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in higher education. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
McKinney, S. D. (2023). Investigating the impact of Hurricane Harvey on student achievement. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Richardson, B. M. (2023). Positive intervention behavior management programs in rural middle schools. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Walton, I. J. (2023). Reaching adult learners located in rural and remote areas through college branch campuses in Texas. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Campbell Wheeler, D. K. (2023). When the faculty feels like family: The role of the principal-teacher relationship in rural school improvement. (Doctoral dissertation)*. West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Holton, S. (2022). Essential elements of high-impact community college student success courses: A Delphi study. (Doctoral dissertation)*. Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Jimenez, M. A. (2022). Early college high school boundary spanners: The affect of social capital on navigating across secondary and postsecondary systems. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Mayper, T. (2022). Faculty perception of quality assurance in online courses: A phenomenological study. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Hughes, S. J. (2021). Community college faculty development during COVID-19. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Holbrook, D. A. (2021). A program evaluation: Peer mentoring and nursing student engagement (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Schneider, T. (2021). High school dual credit teacher views regarding transition for students with disabilities. (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Scanio, H. (2021). Does semester-length matter: A mixed-methods arts-based research investigation into online learning (Doctoral dissertation)*. Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Phares, C. (2021). Exploring teacher perceptions of K-5 Classroom Management (Doctoral dissertation). Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
West, C. (2020). Esports in academia: Comparative analyses of secondary and post-secondary esports athletes’ experiences (Doctoral dissertation)*. Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Whidden D. (2019). Implementing strategic support for sexual minority youth and its effects on the social connectedness of one high school (Doctoral dissertation)*. Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
Shin, Y. (2019). The Perceptions of librarians in regional universities in Texas regarding leadership development experiences (Doctoral dissertation)*. Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
I’ve spent nearly 30 years as an administrator, almost 20 in higher ed, a bit more than 11 in advanced manufacturing. On and off, I served as an adjunct faculty member for Organizational Learning and Performance, Higher Education, and Business degree programs. As an administrator, I never formally developed a research agenda. The publications referenced above (2015 and before) were positive outcomes of working with engaged and competent teams.
In terms of expertise:
I sincerely enjoy research design, and generally recommend a real-world, quasi-experimental design (Campbell & Stanley, 1963; Spector, 1981) but also utilize later work of Shadish, et al. (2002) for any quantitative or mixed methods (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998, 2003, 2010) project in education. As evidenced by my dissertation, I love a good case-study design for qualitative (with a bit of quantitizing) studies. 😊 I am an advocate for the “significant sameness” paradigm as set forth in Hubbard (2016); particularly with respect to effect sizes and overlapping confidence intervals. I’m becoming a philosophical realist, and am exploring Observation Oriented Modeling (Grice, 2011) as an alternative to relying on null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) for assessment and research.
There are more than a few people that have influenced the (academic) way in which I view the world (in no particular order): Emory Bogardus, Erving Goffman, Emile Durkheim, Andrew Sayer, Martyn Hammersley, Robert Yin, Pierre Bourdieu, bell hooks, C. Wright Mills, Karl Marx, Harold Garfinkel, Anthony Giddens, Howard Becker, Max Weber, Robert Park, Robert Merton, Malcolm X, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Herbert Spencer, Talcott Parsons, Herbert Blumer, Davis & Moore (vs. Tumin specifically), Fei Xiaotong, Simone de Beauvoir, Robert Sternberg, Isaac Harby, Maimonides, Lao Zi, William Perry, Peter Senge, Richard Feynman, John Krumboltz, Arthur Chickering, Meyer & Rowan, Slaughter & Leslie, Andreski Stanislav, D. C. Phillips, and Lynne Zucker, among many others.
I was fortunate to learn from and work under Don Dillman at Washington State University, so he deserves a special mention; without those experiences I’d have never dug into survey methodology.
**Note: Hubbard, Grice, and many others looking at alternatives to NHST are quickly informing and shaping my researcher identity; currently reading Haig and Evers (2016) Realist Inquiry in Social Science (Sage Ltd).